Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Fishing themed party cupcakes

One of my nephews recently turned one and his mom wanted to through a fishing themed birthday party so I was recruited for the cupcakes.

I purchased a fish mold from Amazon and made chocolate fish using different color candy melts. The Hubs thought they needed a little something extra so using some of the left over candy I applied some candy eyes I had on hand.

I put those on to some chocolate cupcakes that I frosted with some blue frosting I made.  Then I took some pretzel sticks and pull apart licorice to make little fishing poles.

I also made some cake balls which I dipped the bottom half in red candy melts then the top in white candy melts.  While the white was still a little wet I put a red candy ball on top to look like a bobber.  Those were put on top of some vanilla and chocolate cupcakes.

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