Saturday, July 25, 2015

Minion Cupcakes

For my Nephew Jaycers 6th birthday party he requested Minion Cupcakes.  I made these for my son's birthday last year after a trip to Universal Studios.  He became completely obsessed with all of the Minion desserts that were all over the place.  So I already knew what I was going to need. 

I first baked the cupcakes and while they were cooling I prepped the minions.  I started with unwrapping the smarties candies and remove all of the white ones and placed them in a separate bowl.  I then took 12 of the twinkies and cut them in half.  This required buying two boxes of the twinkies.  I placed them on cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.

I then took the black gel and put a small dab on the back side of the white smarties and arranged the eyes using the black gel as a glue to keep the eyes in place.
I used the same gel to outline the candies making them look like their googles and straps down the sides.  I piped small dots in the center and sides of the candies to make the eye or eyes and piped the mouths.
I then took the white icing and tinted it blue.  I fitted a zip loc bag with a large star tip and filled it with the icing.  I piped a small spot in the center of each cupcake as a glue to hold the Minions in place.  I piped the outer edge of the cupcakes and set the Minions in the center. I forgot to pick up chocolate sprinkles but if you wanted to you could insert a few into the tops to look like hair. 
Happy Birthday Jaycers I hope you love your cupcakes from Auntie Tine.
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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Guest Bathroom Update

We knew when we bought this home both of the bathrooms would need to be completed gutted.  We also knew it would be one of the last projects we would do as there are other rooms that need to be addressed first.  This was driving me nuts so I decided to at least give our guest bathroom a minor makeover.  When we bought the house all of the rooms were painted very odd colors the bathroom was no different.  It had sort of  pink shade of paint and matching tile.

 My husband had his heart set on the tile that looks like wood flooring.  I often refer to my husband as Mr. Tightwad but not in this case.  Even though I work in the construction industry and was able to take advantage of a lot of discounts it was still pretty expensive.  We decided to extend the tile into the bathroom since it's right off the main living area.  I knew eventually we would replace the cabinetry with espresso cabinets so I decided to try and paint the existing cabinets.  This way at least when guests come to visit they aren't looking at the old worn out walnut cabinets when they use that bathroom.  The hubs took all of the doors, hinges and drawers off.  We used a sanding sponge and lightly sanded everything down.  These cabinets are over 30 years old so the finish was pretty worn off already.  Thank goodness because I hate sanding.  While everything was drying I decided to paint the room as well.  It's primarily my son's bathroom who is currently in the teenage everything needs to be black or grey phase.  We found a compromise and went with a blue grey color.  I feel like just in changing the few things that we did it drastically changed the look of the bathroom and bought us some time until we are ready to completely gut it.

I love the way it all looks for now but I can't wait until we can completely update it.  We have a lot of great ideas for granite countertops and a really nice tile backsplash.  So stay tuned for more updates!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thomas The Train Cupcake Cake

A friend of mine asked me to make a cupcake cake for her son's 3rd birthday.  He is absolutely in love with Thomas the Train and visits a train park in our area almost every week.  So it was pretty much a given that it would be a Thomas theme party.  She mentioned that she had seen some cupcake cakes in the shape of numbers on Pinterest and wanted to know if I could come up with something.  I searched all over the internet for ideas and finally came up with a plan.  Let's just say arranging all of the cupcakes into a 3 was not the easiest thing to do but I think it turned out pretty good.  It took a lot of tweaking.   I baked about 4 dozen chocolate cupcakes in all.  I arranged everything until I had it just right and covered the cupcakes in green icing.  I put the remaining green icing in a bag with a grass tip and piped all around to make it look a field.  For the track I used mini Kit Kats which are faced down and I piped black icing along the sides of the track.  I filled in the areas in between with crushed graham crackers to look like dirt.  I searched all over for candy rocks but couldn't find any so I used some larger graham cracker crumbs and chocolate covered raisins for the rocks.  I purchased the trains at my local grocery store but I couldn't find any rail road signs anywhere.  I decided just to print some out and attached them to tooth picks.

I knew there would be a lot of adults and figured they might not like the green icing so I made some more adult friendly cupcakes. I covered them with white frosting and I picked up some Thomas cupcake picks at the party store and inserted them.  It was great to see his little face light up when he saw everything.  He was so happy and couldn't wait to dig in.